Red Fish - Progress Report


Project Title: Characterization of Recreationally Caught Adult Red Drum Stocks in Port Royal Sound, South Carolina.

Report Period: Oct 2011 - November 2012

Prepared by: Principal Investigator, Glenn F. Ulrich, Fishery Biologist

Project Goal:
The goal of the proposed research is to continue a program initiated in 2007 that augments existing SCDNR adult red drum studies through cooperative sampling with area charter and private boat captains. This study provides additional data on adult red drum population characteristics (relative abundance, size composition, movements and stock mixing) of adult red drum in Port Royal and Calibogue Sounds and adjacent coastal waters. This information in conjunction with ongoing SCDNR studies can be utilized in future stock assessments and the development of management recommendations to protect this important resource.

Project Objectives:
The following objectives were developed to meet the research goal:

  1. To maintain and further develop a network of cooperating charter boat captains and private boat anglers to participate in adult red drum sampling efforts.
  2. To insure effective and accurate data collection through direct participation by the PI in tagging activities on trips targeting adult red drum.
  3. To collect data on catch and effort in the recreational adult red drum fishery that may be useful in determining trends in adult drum abundance.
  4. To measure, examine for existing tags and tag (PIT and Hallprint nylon dart) adult red drum to generate data on size/age composition and migratory behavior/stock mixing.
  5. To collect fin clip samples for SCDNR studies on DNA stock identification, detection of recaptures and determination of the contribution of hatchery-produced red drum to the spawning stock.
  6. To disseminate accomplishments and results to the Low Country Institute, Hilton Head Reef Foundation , SCDNR investigators, participating captains and the public.

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